Northwestern makes it easy to be yourself”
Ishrat Fatima
Lead Systems Analyst, Enterprise Systems Human Resources & Student, IT Administrative Systems

“Northwestern makes it easy to be yourself,” said Ishrat Fatima, “and that makes it easy to give back.”
Along with her job and managerial responsibilities, Fatima, who has been at Northwestern 21 years, has been involved in several affinity groups across campus. Her participation has furthered the mission of the University, while also giving her an opportunity to grow personally and professionally.
Fatima describes an inclusive environment where she feels supported and accepted. “The community made it easier for me to wear my hijab,” she said.
She encourages her fellow employees to explore all that Northwestern has to offer. “Join a team, put your hand up, give exposure to different ideas,” she said.
As a manager, Fatima can have a direct impact on her team members, but in fact this type of impact can be extended across the University. “We have a responsibility as members of the community to reach out, make connections and make Northwestern an even better place.”