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Upcoming Events

YourBenefits Overview Session (formerly New Faculty & Staff Benefits Orientation)

Attend a live information session to learn about the benefits for which you are newly eligible!  Attend one of live session.

Benefits & Well-being Fair

The fair is meant to help faculty and staff become more aware of the benefits available to them. The virtual fair features live sessions, video overviews, vendor information, and flyers to assist faculty and staff members in the selection of medical, dental, vision and other benefit plans.

Review the Benefits & Well-being Fair website.


Well-being programs are sponsored by YourLife and the Office of Human Resources, Benefits. Programs are available to benefits-eligible faculty, staff, retirees and eligible family members. We encourage you to participate in these programs. Taking responsibility for one’s health and well-being is vital to getting the most out of your life and making valuable contributions to the mission of the University.

Upcoming Events:


Work/Life & Family Resources

Join us for the month of October in a series of events to celebrate National Work and Family month. View upcoming events on PlanIt Purple.