Benefits Benefits Overview Explore Benefits & Rewards See all of the perks, incentives and rewards for Northwestern employees. Health & Insurance Benefits Explore Northwestern's health, dental, vision, life and long-term disability insurance offerings. Leaves, Holidays & Time Off Understand all paid holidays, vacation benefits and other time off work. Retirement Prepare to retire with assistance and options. Tuition Benefits Employees and their dependents receive reduced tuition at Northwestern and other schools. Total Compensation Statement The total compensation statement shows that your compensation consists of more than just your paycheck. Caregiving Resources Balance work and personal commitments with resources that can assist you and your family. Discounts & Transit Take advantage of relocation assistance and pre-tax public transit tickets and parking passes. Benefit Eligibility, Changes & Help Find guidance on benefits, Open Enrollment and adjustments for life-changing events. Upcoming Events Find upcoming information and training sessions such as benefit orientation, well-being sessions, and open enrollment events. Postdoc Benefit Plans Benefit package for all postdoctoral trainees at Northwestern University. This new benefits package will create parity between all postdocs. Related Links:
Talent Development
Well-being Well-being Overview Maintain your emotional, financial and physical health through the YourLife Wellness Program. Well-being Programs Explore the Human Resources-sponsored programs for faculty, staff, retirees and eligible family members. Eight Dimensions of Well-being Find strategies for enhancing your physical, emotional, social, intellectual, environmental, spiritual, vocational and financial well-being. Well-being Champions Get to know Northwestern employees who serve as advocates for Northwestern units and spearhead well-being initiatives. Related Links:
Length of Service Staff Recognition Reception President Michael Schill, Provost Kathleen Hagerty, Vice President for Human Resources & CHRO Lorraine Goffe honored staff members who reached their milestone service anniversaries ranging from 25 to 50 years in FY24. The celebration took place in June 2024. You can view a list of this year's honorees here: FY24 Length of Service Honorees.