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Hiring Temporary Staff

Have a temporary hiring need? Our Temporary Staffing Service supported by our Talent Acquisition Department assists hiring managers in filling temporary long- and short-term vacancies. Whether it’s vacation coverage, a special project, or interim assistance while you conduct a search for a regular employee, a temporary employee can be a valuable resource in helping you meet business demands. For further questions, you may reach out to your Talent Acquisition Partner.

Temporary worker and contractor hiring

*IMPORTANT UPDATES: NUIT shared recent changes for 2021 Microsoft Office licensing for non-student temporary and contractor employees. Effective July 1, 2021 Northwestern will no longer provide non-student temporary and contractor employees with a license for the desktop version of Office products. Please scroll down for more information.

* New Minimum wage rates went into effect January 1, 2024. Please review prior to submitting a temporary request.

Sourced Temp Staffing Service

 This service offers sourcing and placement assistance to help you find the best temporary employee to meet your needs. This service is offered via our Talent Acquisition Department.

Please note: Effective the first full pay period in October 2022, the standard fee for sourced temporary placements will increase from $4.00 per hour to $4.50 per hour. This change will apply to any incoming or current temporary employees sourced with the assistance from your Talent Acquisition Partner. Stay tuned for more details on other fee structure changes in the coming weeks.

Please review our Sourced Temp Service Level Agreement for more information.

Non-Student Direct Temps and Student Temps

If you have identified a temporary candidate on your own, and would like to hire them, please follow the steps outlined below:

****Effective as of August 1, 2019, HR Talent Acquisition no longer accepts direct temp submissions with an incomplete personal data form and I-9 Section 1 & 2. If you submit an incomplete request, it will be returned with an explanation of the missing information. To be processed, requests must be resubmitted with all missing information.

*IMPORTANT UPDATE Regarding Temporary Hire Microsoft Office Licenses 2021*

After June 30, 2021, Northwestern will no longer provide non-student temporary or contract employees with a license for the desktop version of Office products (Outlook, Word, Excel, PowerPoint, etc.).

Temp Worker Terminations

It is the responsibility of departments to manage their own temp worker terminations.  Temporary employees should be terminated the pay period after their job ends, and any temporary employee who will not be working in a job for at least 60 days should be terminated.

Summer exception: Excluding Work-Study jobs, student employees who are leaving for the summer, but expected to return to the same job the following fall, do not need to be terminated. (If a temp does not return in fall, terminate the job ASAP at that time.) If not terminated, however, sick time earned before summer will carry over into fall quarter.

Quarterly automated terminations: HR Operations runs a termination process quarterly – in February, May, August and November – to terminate temp records of those who have not been paid in 90 days or more.