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Additional Pay Processes

 Additional pay (extra compensation) may be provided to employees for a variety of reasons:

Note: For non-exempt employees, please see Additional Pay for Non-Exempt Employees instructions.

Following are further guidelines on the three most common types of add-pay:

Temp assignment/additional duties. Additional pay may be provided for a temporary assignment only when the intended tasks are clearly outside the normal workload of the employee, if alternative arrangements are not feasible, and if the duties and pay are in the best interest of the University. For example, if an employee takes on significant duties of a vacant position until the position is filled, they may be eligible for additional pay. Supervisors may not receive additional pay for assuming duties for vacancies on their team.

Assuming an interim role. Interim roles are formal changes in duties for an employee, with a temporary title change, to ensure business continuity in a department. For example, if an Assistant Director assumes the role of Interim Director when the Director position becomes vacant, they will be eligible for additional pay.  Similar to temp assignments, supervisors may not receive additional pay for taking on a vacant role that reports to them.

Recognition bonus. Recognition bonuses may be made to reward an employee’s exemplary overall performance or significant achievement on a one-time project. These awards are not intended to be provided for length of service recognition or for simply meeting the expectations of their job.  Documentation to support recognition bonuses must include an explanation of employee’s accomplishment and how this accomplishment is beyond the typical job requirements. Recognition bonuses cannot be given in lieu of paying overtime hours to non-exempt employees.

How decisions are determined
It is up to the school/unit to determine if criteria are met for the above items. The justification is documented by the school/unit and reviewed by the Office of HR. HR will advise the school/unit, but ultimately the decision is at a local level, with the additional funds coming from the school/unit. See Guidelines below for further details.


Approval process

IMPORTANT NOTE: After request has gone through all internal approval processes required within your school/unit, please allow 5-7 business days for HR review.  

Submit an Additional Pay request

Process enhancements

We are pleased to announce that other enhancements were implemented based on suggestions and feedback from the community.