Payroll Qatar Employees
Employees working in Qatar can find information about banking, taxes and other ways that their residency may impact pay and benefits.
Direct Deposit and banking
- While working in Qatar, you can continue to direct deposit money to multiple bank accounts in the US. In addition, you can choose to have an amount or all of your net pay deposited to a bank account of your choice in Qatar.
- Enrollments and changes for Qatar accounts must be made using the paper Direct Deposit Enrollment Form for Qatar. Completed forms should be submitted to the NUQ Human Resources Office who will scan this information to the Evanston Payroll Office. Online direct deposit enrollment is not available at this time.
Federal tax
- While NU-Q has a tax protection policy in place so that employees will be reimbursed for any additional tax obligation due to some allowances, payroll must withhold tax on all of these amounts unless you provide us with instructions otherwise.
- You will be provided time to discuss with a provided tax consultant how much you should request to have withheld each month from your paychecks to avoid a large out of pocket amount due when filing your annual tax return.
- The tax consultant will also be available to prepare your tax return for you.
- Completed Federal W-4 Forms should be submitted to the NUQ Human Resources Office who will scan this information to the Evanston Payroll Office.
Illinois state tax
- If you were previously a resident of Illinois prior to transferring to Qatar, your continued Illinois tax residency is based on the following:
- Your appointment must be longer than one year.
- You cannot spend more than 35 days in Illinois during any 365 day period, worked or otherwise which includes faculty who return to Illinois during summers.
- You may also want to maintain Illinois residency for other purposes such as paying in-state tuition to an Illinois university in which case you would need to notify Payroll.
- You should discuss your state tax residency with the tax consultant being provided and notify payroll of any issues.
- Completed Illinois W-4 Forms should be submitted to the NUQ Human Resources Office who will scan this information to the Evanston Payroll Office.
Social Security and Medicare taxes
- US citizens and tax residents must have US Social Security and Medicare taxes withheld for all salary, allowances, and any noncash compensation which must be imputed (including any provided housing and dependent education).
- These taxes are the employee's responsibility.
Other benefits and employee information
Address changes
- Please do not forget to update your home address using myHR.
- Your home address listed in FASIS must be a valid US address.
- You may choose to have your home address be listed as the NU-Q Support Office.
Parking deductions
- Please remember to contact the Evanston or Chicago parking offices to request to have your deductions stopped.
- The Evanston parking office can be reached at parking@northwestern.eduor 847-491-3319, and the Chicago parking office can be reached at or 312-503-1103.
Staff vacation leave accrual and home leave
- If your staff appointment letter includes time for home leave, these days will be added to your vacation accrual balance each September 1.
- Staff vacation and home leave still require prior approval from your supervisor.
- Home leave does not carry forward to a new fiscal year, and employees are still subject to the same maximum number of days which is 1.5 times their annual vacation accrual amount based on their years of service.
- You may exceed this limit during the year but must be below this by August 31, termination, or transfer. For example, if you accrue 3 weeks per year and receive 2 weeks home, you leave should be at or below 22.5 days (1.5 times 3 weeks) of vacation by August 31, termination, or transfer.
- You should record all absences (home leave as vacation) using Workforce Software.