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Long Term Disability

Long Term Disability (LTD) provides a monthly benefit if you are unable to perform your regular job (during the first two years of your disability) or any reasonable job (after two years of disability) due to illness or injury.  NRSA, Dept. of Ed., and visiting postdoctoral trainees are eligible for the Postdoctoral Trainee LTD plan. Find relevant documents in the links below:

LTD plan benefit

Long-term disability coverage by age when disabled.
Age When Disabled Benefits Payable
Prior to age 63 To normal retirement age or 42 months, if greater
63 To normal retirement age or 36 months, if greater
64 30 months
65 24 months
66 21 months
67 18 months
68 15 months
Age 69 and over 12 months

Social Security coordination

The University requires faculty and staff who apply for the LTD benefit to also apply for Social Security Disability Income (SSDI). MetLife will offset the University's LTD benefit payments with approved SSDI benefit payments.

Enroll in LTD

Premiums for the buy-up plan

Premiums for the buy-up plan by age.
Age 2025 Rate
Under age 30 $0.074
30 to 34 $0.098
35 to 39 $0.111
40 to 44 $0.131
45 to 49 $0.168
50 to 54 $0.219
55 to 59 $0.256
60 to 64 $0.276
Age 65 and older $0.258

Divide your annual salary by 100 and multiply by the premium rate for your age bracket as shown at above to obtain your annual premiums. Please note that premiums are taken as an after-tax deduction from your paycheck.

File an LTD claim

Extended Sick Time (EST) claims will transition automatically for LTD consideration by MetLife with additional health information required from you. Browse frequently asked questions.

Benefits while on LTD

Those receiving LTD benefits may continue health, dental, vision, and life insurance benefits for 18 months provided they pay premiums via direct bill with Inspira. Between the Extended Sick Time (EST) and LTD benefits, employee may remain in these plans for a total of 24 months.  After a total of 24 months on disability, individuals may continue coverage via COBRA for health, dental and vision and request to port/convert life insurance with MetLife.  Please see the Benefits on LTD flyer for more information.